Timer by Christina Lee Instructions: -------------- 1. On supported browsers, you will be asked to allow notifications as soon as the page loads. Choose 'Allow' to recieve the notification. Notifications must be allowed for the timer to notify you of completion when it is minimized or otherwise not visible. 2. Enter the time you want to count down from in the text boxes. 3. Press 'Start' button. The Timer will say Done!, show a notification, and emit a sound or vibration when complete. You can press the 'Stop' button, dismiss the notif, or or close the page to stop the notification sound or vibration. 4. Pressing Pause will pause the timer. Press Start to continue from where the timer was paused. 5. Checking the Legacy Mode box will allow the timer to play a sound when done if the browser doesn't support JS Notifications. Currently only recommended for Chrome on Android (Mobile). Features: -------------- * Tested on Firefox and Chrome on Ubuntu (Desktop) and Android (Mobile). Works on all except Chrome on Android (Mobile). * Can set hours, minutes and seconds * Use start to start timer, pause to pause the timer, and stop to stop the timer and clear any messages, notifications, or sounds. * Notification works in Firefox and Chrome * If device is set to vibrate only, the timer will vibrate instead of playing a sound on completion. * Mobile sound will be standard notification sound on Android, not the custom sound specified. * Legacy mode checkbox option for browsers that don't support Javascript Notification. This just plays the sound, but user needs to keep the page in view to hear it. Troubleshooting: --------------- --No notification request comes up. *make sure the address has https, not http, at the beginning. If it does not, then add that. JavaScript Notifications only work with https. *In Firefox, the notification request is a small word bubble icon that appears directly to the left of the URL. You may need to click it to see the notification request. Try checking for and clicking this icon if you do not see this request come up when the page loads. --The notification does not appear on Firefox or Chrome on Desktop when the Timer is done. *You need to allow the notification request for it to work Firefox: Preferences->Privacy & Security->Permissions->Notifications Settings...->Select the electronsandsuch.com website entry and change status to 'Allow'. Chrome: Settings->Privacy and Security->Privacy and Security->Site Settings-->Select electronsandsuch.com and make sure Notifications are set to 'Allow. --The notification message and sound/vibration comes back if I dismiss the Notification *Clicking a notification button for Firefox or just clicking the notification on Android performs the same actions as pressing the stop button. However, dragging the notification on Android does not do this, nor does clicking outside the button on the notification on desktop--either of those will merely close the notification for a short time before it reappears. On Chrome, you must click the notif, not the x, to dismiss it--the sound will then stop and the notif will eventually disappear on its own or you can click the x to immediately close it after you click the notif itself. --The timer doesn't give any notifications on Chrome mobile when the Timer shows 'Done!' *Chrome mobile does not support this kind of notification. Only Chrome on Desktop does. ToDo: ------------- --get JS Notification working on Chrome for Mobile. Changelog: -------------- Aug 13, 2019 ------------ *Better visualization of time (reliably starts at shown time and counts down to show each second). *Added Notification ability. This works for Firefox on Desktop and Mobile, and works for Chrome on Desktop, but does not work on Chrome on Android (Mobile). There is a way to use notifications in Chrome Mobile, so I am working on getting that working.